Saturday, January 8, 2011

Day 359, 12/25/2011

Christmas Day. 

We always spend this day with friends and family at our house. It’s kind of the Christmas house, since I go a bit to the edge with the decorating. 

Since I live in North Pole, I feel it is my duty to properly represent the holiday to the best of my ability, and the extent of my benevolent spouse’s tolerance!

After waking up and having the traditional cinnamon rolls and opening gifts, I began preparing for dinner. We got a short reprieve from the -20 degree weather today, with temps hovering around 0 and a beautiful snow shower.

In the winter, the house is more demanding, and things naturally just wear out and break more readily than they would otherwise. Mat went to change the water filters in the garage, and what is normally a five to ten minute chore turned into a frustrating, water spewing, explicative producing pain in the butt! But Mattgyver is always able to work it out, and he and our son Josh, a pipefitter in training, had everything back together and in working order minutes before our guests, longtime friends the Schoemakers, arrived for dinner.

We feasted, 

drank, and made merry downstairs, 

then moved upstairs for gift exchanging.

A good time was had by all, and the guests left to drive far and near to their homes in the falling snow.

Now for the Alka-Seltzer.

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